A Community Food Hub
At our anchor kitchen, Refettorio San Francisco, Farming Hope takes action recovering imperfect surplus foods from going to waste and nourishing those who need it most in our communities, 7 days a week. Farming Hope’s apprentices spend their 12 weeks of paid training here learning culinary skills.
Refettorio SF is a collaboration with Food for Soul, a non-profit organization founded by chef Massimo Bottura and Lara Gilmore to empower local communities to reduce food waste and support social inclusion. By enabling the transformation of people, places and food, Food for Soul builds a culture of value that strengthens community resilience, opens opportunities for social and economic mobility and builds healthier and more equitable food systems. Refettorio San Francisco is one of many Refettorios around the world, each working toward the same goals of waste reduction and social inclusion in their own communities.

Prepared Meals
With 1 in 4 San Franciscans facing food insecurity, Farming Hope has responded to the need by distributing individually prepared, nourishing meals, serving over 1000 meals per week. Farming Hope partners with nonprofit organizations throughout San Francisco that are addressing the needs of neighbors who are vulnerable. We address food insecurity collaboratively while providing a wide variety of delicious, nutritious, culturally relevant meals to our communities in need. Consistent, reliable, prepared meals are an essential component of creating the stability needed to transition out of poverty.
Does your organization need meals? Contact us: rsf@farminghope.org
Hear from our clients
“These meals have helped us so much! I help my daughter with her 7 kids, it’s hard to coordinate what to eat most of the time. Being able to pick these meals up has really saved us.” – Della
In-House Dinners
In-house dinners are served on twice per week for families in order to nourish our neighbors and provide opportunities for social cohesion and a sense of belonging, while building resilient communities. Families are referred to us through Hamilton Families and Compass Family Services.
Hear from our clients
“My husband and i and our children thank All of you Farming Hope. We attended the dine-in yesterday. Wow! What a wonderful dinner! We’re so grateful for all of your loving kindness! We really appreciated the level of care and service we received from all the beautiful people at Farming Hope. Again…..so much appreciative for ur Love!” – Erica

Client-Choice Grocery
We provide client choice groceries, creating food security and reducing food waste by welcoming our clients to choose the food that their family is most likely to consume.
Hear from our clients
“The food program has been a tremendous success. I find the produce and vegetables quite fresh, with a different variety every week. Nutrition is very important in my family, and I feel honored that we can have a program to support our needs. We are thrilled to have a program to participate in. Thank you for providing such a great service and very friendly people that run the program.” – Angelina

“The summer of ’78 I went to San Francisco to study English. To a 16 year old boy from Modena, California meant rock concerts, convertible cars, and cowboy hats. After three months I was a different Massimo. Yes, my English had improved but it was the life lessons I learned about diversity and freedom of expression that changed me forever. Opening Refettorio San Francisco is a way for me to give back, to say “thank you” to this amazing city.”
– Massimo Bottura
The Golden Gate Bridge, designed in international orange to make it visible in the fog, was originally conceived as a path connecting different communities around the bay. The abstract graphic of the bridge results in four distinct yet interconnected hubs that shine light on program initiatives around food, art, and education. With the hues red and yellow, the logo color stands for hunger, emotion and passion capturing the spirit of the project where cooking is an act of love to nourish well-being, conviviality and purpose. Refettorio San Francisco will bridge together people with different needs through culture and community becoming a beacon of inclusivity and a symbol of hope. Learn more about Refettorio San Francisco here.

Join us in the fight
Farming Hope is different — we pay Apprentices while they learn in our program.
Paying people makes sense, but costs dollars.